outstretched hand

Advent donations support community groups

Following Zoom and online appeals our congregation shared gifts aligned with NHCC’s mission to Feed the Hungry, House the Homeless, and Keep the Creation. Diligent NHCC treasurer Jim Harper mailed checks to the organizations listed below. Thank you for the donations, the prayers, and the gifts of new life! Alternate Giving Market: $2,890 total $920 …

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Christian Education shares New Year’s message

December has been filled with exciting times at NHCC. First, the angel brought the news about a child named Jesus to Mary and Joseph. Mary’s cousin Elizabeth and her husband Zechariah also learned that they would be parents. Then angels announced Jesus’s birth to the shepherds. Magi traveled from a great distance to bring him …

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Families share Christmas message in video pageant

More than 50 households logged in to enjoy the world premiere of “Visiting Angels,” an up-to-the-minute video remake of NHCC’s beloved Christmas pageant, on Sunday, December 20, 2020. The video featured children, young adults, and even a few parents reviewing the events leading up to Jesus’s birth, and discussing the question, “How can God and Jesus …

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A nativity scene with wooden figures

Christian Education: an Advent journey for children

Advent — the word means “coming,” and it is a time for preparing for the birth of Jesus! Welcome to a time of preparing and looking forward to the coming celebrations of the birth of Jesus, the Christ Child. The prophet Isaiah told the people of Jesus’ coming. Isaiah told of the peace that Jesus …

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