All-UCC event to be held at NHCC on Sunday, August 7

On Sunday, August 7, 2022, almost all the UCC pastors in Newton will gather for worship and communion together here at NHCC. Pastors, deacons, members, and friends of Second Church, Union Church, Waban, and United Parish Auburndale will unite in Christian worship and thanksgiving. Childcare will be provided. But there’s more: The Rev. Dr.  Mary …

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June 26 service highlights sandwich making

Worshippers were treated to the sight of the Reverend Ken Baily making a sandwich during the Christian Education portion of the June 26, 2022, service. Children and youth then gathered in the Great Hall to make sandwiches for the Community Day Center of Waltham (scroll down for photos). The Reverend Baily preached about the opportunity …

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Music Director Lynd Matt celebrated on June 19

The 23-year tenure of beloved Music Director Lynd Matt came to an end on June 19, 2022, with expressions of gratitude from the pulpit, organist, choir, and congregation. The choir sang several pieces chosen by Lynd, including “Sing a Mighty Song.” The Reverend Ken Baily spoke about his collaboration with Lynd during his sermon. Worshippers …

Read moreMusic Director Lynd Matt celebrated on June 19

Summer worship at 9:30 a.m. begins July 3

Worship services move to Sundays at 9:30 a.m. from July 3 through September 4, 2022. Non-Communion Sundays are typically planned and led by non-clergy members. The main office will be open for about 10 hours per week. Contact us anytime. The Reverend Ken Baily works through the summer and is available by appointment with the …

Read moreSummer worship at 9:30 a.m. begins July 3

The Rev. Dr. Ken Baily

Pentecost celebrated at June 5 service

Worshippers gathered on June 5, 2022, to celebrate Pentecost Sunday. Some marked the day by wearing red; the Reverend Ken Baily wore red socks! Reverend Baily preached about Pentecost’s message of “stunning inclusiveness,” asserting that “God doesn’t distinguish among the children of creation.” He stated that God’s instructions are to be saved and to turn …

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Done and done: Annual Meeting takes care of business

Members and friends gathered for a hybrid Annual Meeting on Sunday, June 5, 2022, to finalize church business before the summer. Most attendees met in the Great Hall, and several others joined on Zoom. Thank you to all attendees; to Wendy Donnell, director of Christian Education, for arranging childcare; to assistant moderator Rich Bryden for …

Read moreDone and done: Annual Meeting takes care of business