stained glass windows

Re-entry team shares March 2021 update

The re-entry team reconvened on March 31, 2021, to continue assessing the church’s plans in light of current health conditions. Reverend Ken Baily and Director of Christian Education Wendy Donnell shared ideas for several outdoor activities on Easter. The team also discussed the following: Technology has been updated to permit better sound for virtual services …

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seed pod

Watch for seeds of hope: NHCC launches annual stewardship campaign

He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness. 2 Corinthians 9:10 Grateful for the church’s steady and enriching presence in your life during the challenging time we have endured due to Covid-19? Now is the time to …

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A message from the pastor

“Are we there yet?” Road trip Entire courses in divinity school, psychology semesters and, of certainty, family trips engage this question. We speak it about coronavirus quarantine. Maybe even in marriages. When will we be at our destination? This is also Easter’s inquiry and assertion. Is Good Friday the end or the beginning of the journey? Is Easter? When will …

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Family Promise logo

Family Promise Metrowest-Campaign for Change

As many of you know, NHCC has been a strong supporter of Family Promise Metrowest (FPM) for many years. The mission of FPM “is to transform the lives of families with children facing homelessness by mobilizing a diverse community to provide shelter, education, and comprehensive support.” To support this mission, there are 2-3 fundraisers each …

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Reverend Baily’s message to Newton Inter-Faith Clergy Association

On March 11, Reverend Ken Baily sent the following message to the Newton Inter-Faith Clergy Association, where he is co-president: Dear Colleagues, On the morning of March 11th, one year ago, many of us gathered at Temple Shalom to hear details of the coming coronavirus from the Newton Health Department. By that day 30 people …

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NHCC to host healing service on Sunday, March 7

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 NHCC will hold its traditional healing service during Zoom worship on Sunday, …

Read moreNHCC to host healing service on Sunday, March 7