CE: Arise, shine, our light has come!

God’s word tells us that the wise men travelled in the East. “When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy” (Matthew 2:10). When the angels announced Jesus’ birth to the shepherds, they said, “Do not be afraid; for see—I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the …

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CE: What is the gift that keeps on giving?

Who are the needy in your community? When have you been asked to help someone in need? What did you (or did you not) do? What might be your answer to the question, “Is it really possible to give freely without judgment, no matter the circumstances?” Here is our schedule for October 2021. October 3: World …

Read moreCE: What is the gift that keeps on giving?

CE: In-person church school begins September 19, 2021

All of us on the Christian Education team have been waiting (sometimes patiently, sometimes not) for church school to re-open, and now the time has finally come! We are excited to open the doors and welcome back all friends and families to Newton Highlands Congregational Church, UCC! We will continue to monitor guidance regarding the …

Read moreCE: In-person church school begins September 19, 2021

In lifting others, we rise

CE: Create an outpouring of love during Lent

There are moments in life that call for extravagance, moments when we must lay aside calculation and caution, and give of ourselves wholeheartedly. We can all be models of such love and devotion. Some things are worth giving all that we have and all that we are. One ancient Lenten practice is fasting. Some Christians …

Read moreCE: Create an outpouring of love during Lent